Checkout The Top 15 Gists and Gossips Nigerians Really Enjoy Telling |

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Checkout The Top 15 Gists and Gossips Nigerians Really Enjoy Telling

Have you ever wondered what Nigerians really gossip about, either at work, in the market, while stuck in traffic or just at their leisure time? 
With so much that happens within this city which never sleeps, it is interesting to know that there actually are certain topics that really tickle the fancy of Nigerians.
Here are the top fifteen things Nigerians are most likely to talk about in any gathering, we go from bottom to top. 
15. Electricity
Has been a fundamental issue within the state, so many still go for days without power supply and that tends to be the root for so many other issues plaguing the city. However, the current administration has promised to do all it can to fix the problem.
14. Family Issues
Both men and women often engage in this, with statistics showing that more women in Lagos talk about their families at the slightest opportunity. Keeping/running a family in Lagos can get frustrating, so sometimes sharing the story becomes the best option.
13. Business
Most residents in Lagos are people from other states and countries who come to do business, and as such it becomes a theme that cannot be done without.
12. Office Politics
What goes on around work places is one juicy gist which Nigerians really enjoy, not forgetting that there are more people and less jobs withing the city, so office gist sells. For example, “She used bottom power to get that position”.
11. Cars
If Nigeria is a consumer-nation, then the greatest consumers within the country are most likely the Lagos residents. Cars are a delight for Nigerians, because in Lagos, cars are not just for comfort and transport, but for a show-off of class. 
So it is common place to see one family own several cars, a factor which many say is cogent reason the transport system is still below standard and the traffic is high.
10. Phones/Gadgets
Like cars, Nigerians love gadgets. A recent study has shown that the average Lagosian has two phones, and would not mind to get the lattest gadget coming out. So you can be sure that in their various corners, gist about gadgets and phones will always pop up. 
9. Movies

Nigeria has a big movie industry whose capital city is obviously in Lagos. So it is not out of place to walk around the street and hear people talk about movies both local and foreign. The saddest kinda of dialogue over movies you’ll hear in certain places though, is a debate over who is more pretty between Omotola and Genevieve. 
8. Celebrities
You can be sure that this will certainly be a major gist in Lagos, v live around stars, they practically bump into them on a daily basis. There is always someone in the news on a daily basis, either a songster or actor, maybe a writer, even bloggers make the list of celebrity gist. “Did you hear that Linda just bought a house at Banana Island?” 
7. Fashion
Now when talking about celebrities, its not far fetched that talks of rides and fashion will come to buttress debates about swag and class.
Nigerians dressed the best, it is still a surprise that the Lagos has not yet been named the world’s fashion capital. It is the city of elegance, and everyone is always trying to look really resplendent. So, one is expected to get alot of “where did you buy that shirt?, how much does that dress cost?, whats the latest style?, Who is your tailor?” 
6. Party (Owambe)
Nigerians work very hard and party harder. Like they say, “there is no party like a Lagos party”. The gigs in Lagos are always unique and can leave one talking about the experience even years after. So Nigerians often get talking either about parties they recently attended or parties they would love to attend.
5. Religion
This is one very controversial topic that really gets Lagos heated up. Nigerians can become very religious and as such you must be extremely cautious when discussing religion in Lagos, so you don’t get punched by brother.
4. Politics
like religion, this is yet another topic that sells. Lagos residents are highly political and are to a great extent ever ready to defend their political opinions. So you will always have political debates in virtually every nook and cranny of the metropolis.
3. Football
Football is one of the most prominent topics discussed by Nigerians. The football gist has become even more prominent with the advent of bet houses around the states in the country. It used to be just a fan talk thing, now it is business and many take it really personal.
2. Love/Relationship
As many as the residents of Lagos are, love can be hard to find and relationships can be difficult to sustain. So even while you are on a bus, you can’t help hearing certain people talk about how the guy was cheating or how the girl turned out without matters fitting for a wife material.
1. Sex
This is often discussed in whispers so as not to be seen as some pervert. However, this topic is a very serious one when it comes to Lagos gist. Everyone tends to be involved, both adults and young ones, there is an ongoing research that asserts an rapid increase in sexual awareness within Lagos, compared with many other cities, not just in Nigeria alone, but also in  Africa. 
-Extracted From 
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