Checkout The 7 Perfect Ways To Boost Your Boring Relationship |

Friday, January 22, 2016

Checkout The 7 Perfect Ways To Boost Your Boring Relationship

You struggle so hard to get that your dream girl or guy then along the line, after the sexual exploits day in day out, the hanging out and other things then both of you have run out of ideas and the relationship is becoming boring. 
Breakup is all that comes to your mind.

A relationship, as we all know, is the connection between two or more people, But in this case, the relationship is between you and your partner; when you are in a relationship, you are emotionally involved or connected to your partner.

And of course, every relationship needs refueling and it also needs re-boosting to spice up the atmosphere at a point in time.

Here are 7 Perfect Tips To Boost That Your Relationship To Become Lively Again 

1.Surprise your partner by doing a task you do not normally do: this task may be taking out the trash or cleaning the bathtub etc.

2.Compliment your partner’s parent: “I love how your Dad makes friends wherever he goes”; “I love how your Mom always asks after my family.”

3.Compliment one of your partner’s friends: “I really admire how smart Kunle or Dolapo is.” Why? It shows you think your partner has good taste in friends.

4.Use a nickname you have stopped using: Think back to the start of your relationship to any affectionate nicknames you used to use but have stopped using.

5.Do something fun you used to do together that you have stopped doing: Maybe you used to play Monopoly when you first started dating, or maybe you used to take a walk outside for ice cream after dinner. (The activity may take longer than a minute, but the suggestion won’t; it will take less than a minute.)

6.Thank your partner for something you usually take for granted: “Thanks for cleaning off the plates again, sweetie.”

7.Bring up a positive memory of something both of you did together: “I was just thinking about how fun it was to pick out plants together last weekend.”You know the positive memory you have had with your partner.

Try and bring them out once again to spice up your relationship.

All this act goes a long way in the relationship and it will definitely make your partner appreciate you much more better than before.

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