Revelation: Read This Vital Shocking Warning From The Lord Jesus To Jehovah’s Witness Church/People |

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Revelation: Read This Vital Shocking Warning From The Lord Jesus To Jehovah’s Witness Church/People

Here is a revelation From The Lord Jesus To Jehovah’s Witness Church/People 

“They have gone out into the world and call themselves My witnesses. 
They witness nothing about Me. 
They teach anti-Christ doctrines like, that there is no hell. This way, they make people relax in their sins. Their teachings are against everything I taught. 

I said there is hell, they say there is no hell. 
I said, the grave is not the end of a person’s life, they say the grave is the end. I said I will come again, they say I will not come again. I said in My word that I will pour out My Spirit in the last days but they say that spiritual gifts do not exist anymore. 
They also deny My Holy Spirit and say that is not a Person but just a force. They are clearly against Me. 

How they like to use human knowledge to explain My Word instead of being led by the Holy Spirit! They arespiritually sleeping. Tell them that not one member of that church will enter My holy kingdom. Not even one! They had better amend their ways and give up their doctrines.” 
The Full Revelation Lies at Rapture Watcher Website.

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