Nigerian Women Reveals Why They Got Breast Implants - See Their Reasons |

Monday, March 21, 2016

Nigerian Women Reveals Why They Got Breast Implants - See Their Reasons

Here are some r
easons Some Nigerian Women gave why they went for Breast Implants 

1. Comfortable fit: I love being able to buy clothes off the rack and have them fit the way they should.
2. To make them look like the old ones: I had breast cancer and ended up getting a bilateral mastectomy. Prior to that, I had large breast (44 D) and then becoming flat chested was so depressing. A year in a half later, I finally got my implants.
My breast implants are half the size of my natural breast, but I appreciate my new b00bs.
3. Self-esteem: When I got pregnant my b00bs ballooned in size literally overnight. This caused me to develop stretch marks, which after I was done being pregnant/breast feeding and they shrunk back to their pre pregnancy size, caused them to be quite saggy.
Not only were they aesthetically unpleasant, they were very uncomfortable. I could feel them lying up against the skin below my 
b00bs, something I had never felt before.

Because of the way my skin had been damaged I was not a candidate for a regular lift, so I got a very small implant. I’m not too far off of where I was before kids. The benefits they give me is having my bodily self esteem back.

4. Return to normalcy: I was burnt when I was 2 and as I hit puberty I noticed only one 
b00b grew and the other didn’t, it was incredibly embarrassing as one b00b was barely an A cup and the other was a D cup.

I went to a plastic surgeon with my mum, got the procedure done even though the surgeon was all “wait until you’re 21” and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. So much confidence and it’s nice to be normal.
5. A disorder: My friend had it done in highschool because she was pretty much totally flat. They just didn’t develop.

I can’t say for sure because I’m not her, but we were tight and talked about it a few times. She told me the biggest change was people didn’t mistake her for a guy anymore.

When we chilled in public I always noticed people calling her “dude” and it was always so awkward for me even. So I think that was the biggest thing from my perspective.

I know she got hit on more. It made her attractive. She had a boyfriend just a few months afterwards if I remember right.
6. Clothes: Mostly they have made me more self conscious, more or less.

Before my implants, I never really cared about what I wore, did, said. I always had really high self esteem (thanks awesome parents!), but I just HATED the way clothing fit me and I was mortified whenever I had to take my shirt off places (locker room, with boyfriends) or wear swimsuits.

I didn’t even fit into most training bras, didn’t even fill out an A cup. But I always had boyfriends, guys flirted with me, no big deal, I didn’t get them to attract more male attention.

I finally got them when I was 23 (32D), and immediately I regretted the decision. My doctor went bigger in surgery than we had initially agreed (which a lot of docs do).

I ALWAYS felt like people were looking at my cleavage. As a professional woman who cares about being taken seriously, I think I was mostly afraid of being thought of as “that girl with the fake 
b00bs.” I didn’t want to be discounted or thought less of just because of this decision I had made.

Four years later, I love them. I got over thinking about whether people are looking at my chesticles (though I do dress MUCH more modestly).

All my clothing really does look so much better on. If I had the chance to re-do them I would probably go a little smaller, but they are mine now, so I just avoid push up bras.

7. She gained confidence: My breasts developed very strangely. They were extremely saggy (they looked like a 90 year old woman’s breasts, my ni.pp.les literally pointed down) and my areolae were about the size of my palm.

Coupled with the fact that I have extremely large labia (I’ve learned to deal with that though), I had absolutely NO $e.xual confidence.

When I was 18, I went in looking for only a breast lift. I didn’t want my breasts any larger, just not saggy monstrosities. The surgeon recommended small-ish implants in addition to the lift to maintain perkiness.

Overall, they didn’t turn out perfect but they are night and day from my previous breasts. The operation completely changed my confidence, I am not ashamed for men to see my chest now.

I am ashamed of the fact that I do technically have “fake breasts” since you always hear men saying how they hate fake breasts, but it was way better than the alternative. I have no regrets.
Source: Tiwasblog

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