Unbelievable: See How Nigerians & Africans In China Prisons Are Subjected To Organ Harvesting | Naijalads.com.ng

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Unbelievable: See How Nigerians & Africans In China Prisons Are Subjected To Organ Harvesting

A group called The Patriotic Citizen Initiatives, says there is a need for President Muhammadu Buhari to investigate the allegation of mysterious deaths and organ harvesting among Nigerians serving terms in Chinese jail. 

The Executive Director of PCI, Osemene Osita, said at a civil societies forum in Lagos last week, that the group had been inundated with distress calls from Nigerians serving terms in Chinese prisons.

According to Osita, those who reached PCI claimed that Nigerian inmates often disappear in manners suspicious that they were being taken out and killed extrajudicially by Chinese prison officials for the purpose of harvesting and trading in their organs.

PCI said reports available to it showed that there are no fewer than 8,000 Nigerians confined in Chinese prisons based on immigration offences such as invalid travelling documentations, over-staying, smuggling etc.

It said an average of 40 of such Nigerians are being allegedly executed on a yearly basis in China.

It claimed that while there are Nigerians who genuinely committed crimes, such as drug-trafficking, majority of those languishing in Chinese prisons are victims of circumstances, who were convicted based on improper investigations or are unfairly roped into crimes they never committed.

At the forum with the theme, “Plights of Nigerians in China Prison,” were some returnees from China prison and family members of other Nigerians still serving jail terms in Chinese.

The discussion focused on allegations of mysterious deaths among Nigerian inmates in Chinese prisons, slave labour, lack of access to medical attention and alleged gross inhuman treatment meted to Nigerians from lack of fair hearing in the judicial system.

In a communiqué issued at the end of the deliberation, the CSOs resolved that it was time the Federal Government and other concerned bodies such as the Economic Communities of West African States Commission set up a panel to visit and probe these allegations of human rights violations in China.

They urged President Buhari “to urgently intervene in this matter by setting up a presidential inter-agency assessment delegation to China to properly investigate and ascertain the veracity of the experiences of Nigerians in China prisons and their alleged offences.”

They tasked the office of the Special Senior Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and the Diaspora “to convene a special stakeholders/inter-agency summit on the plights of Nigerians in China prisons other European and Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.”

“The National Assembly (both chambers) should, as a matter of public importance and urgency, conduct public hearings on this subject matter,” they added.

The forum also urged the ECOWAS Commission to adopt ownership of the regional approach on “this sensitive matter through strategic engagements with the grassroots on the ECOWAS free movement protocols and related issues.

“Furthermore, ECOWAS should, as a matter of regional interest and common security, consider opening up multilateral engagements on with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on migration related issues possibly leading to signing of agreement.”

The forum called the Federal Government of Nigeria to consider signing a Joint Declaration on a Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility with the Government of the People’s Republic of China, just like in the case of EU in 2015.

“The Federal Government should review her foreign policy towards improving citizenship diplomacy.

“There is right to demand from the Nigeria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs of their duties including our foreign mission in China in the light of the lingering tortures, human right violations and gross inhumanity that Nigerians are frequently subjected to.”

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