Latest Technology: Microsoft Introduces A Device That Allows You Teleport To Anywhere In The World - See How It Works By Watching The Video Here |

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Latest Technology: Microsoft Introduces A Device That Allows You Teleport To Anywhere In The World - See How It Works By Watching The Video Here

The future we've only seen in movies has finally arrived. Microsoft has created this "holoportation" device that will change the way you interact with friends and family anywhere in the world. 

Basically, holoportation is a new technology that allows users teleport a 3D image of themselves to anywhere in the world so they can interact with whoever is on the other side of the conversation.

Now, let's take a look at the picture above, the guy on the left is not actually in the room, it is actually a 3D image.

How it works is that Microsoft has several 3D cameras stationed around a room that can capture a person from different angles. These cameras together with Microsoft's futuristic holographic goggles, the HoloLens, composite the images in real-time.

The reconstruction, once done can be transported to anywhere in the world, where the other person can now see it while wearing the HoloLens.

The HoloLens is set to ship to select developers on March 30. In addition to aiding in holoportation, the device can insert you into video games and let you virtually tour cities. Virtual reality for the win again.

See How It Works By Watching The Video Below.. 

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