My Girlfriend Donated Her Kidney To Save Me, But I’m No Longer In Love With Her Anymore, What Do I Do? |

Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Girlfriend Donated Her Kidney To Save Me, But I’m No Longer In Love With Her Anymore, What Do I Do?

The man shared his story showing just how he has been caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Below is what he wrote:

I am 32 years old and my girlfriend is 31 years old. We’ve been together for 5 years and now live together in a nice house.

Sometime ago, I had serious medical problems and she gave me one of her kidneys to save my life.
However, things have been slowly fizzling out and I’ve been feeling like we don’t belong together for a few months now. I feel like if I don’t make a decision soon we will be married and I will feel this way forever.

But on the other hand, getting a kidney transplant has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I feel like staying together is the right thing to do even if I’m not in love anymore.
I’ll never be able to pay her back. I’m so torn and conflicted and feel like I have to make an impossible choice.

If I stay with her, I’ll always feel trapped and in a loveless relationship. If I break up with her, I’ll forever feel like an evil person for dumping someone who literally put their life on the line for me. 

Drop your words of advice for him using the comment box below. 
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  1. You will be an ungrateful person to dump her. Love is nurtured but not handed out. Now that she has shown you unconventional love you need to learn from that and the relationship through. You don't even know what your relationship with another person is going to be like, so why are you responding to the call of the Satan when God has given you a person who loves and care about you? Have you asked yourself why not one came to your rescue when you needed their help even your own family members? Think twice before you make such a mistake. Breaking someone's heart is a permanent damage that cannot be repaired but replacing a kidney is a possibility.

    1. @Anonymous, Nice advice, I hope he listens to your advice.
