Download Professor JohnBull Season 2 - Episode 5 (Oil Windfall) |

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Download Professor JohnBull Season 2 - Episode 5 (Oil Windfall)

As Season 2 of ProfessorJohnbull enters its 5th episode, the sitcom focuses on some sharp practices in the nation's oil sector.

The episode, aptly entitled Oil Windfall, dramatizes the negative effects of over-dependence on the black gold as the nation's economic mainstay. Oil Windfall also highlights the way of life among youths in oil producing areas as one of the attendant effects of over-dependence on the natural resource.

The discovery of oil in the country in the early 1960s was no doubt a good development which has led to the growth of the nation's economy. But over the years, events and situations have come to show that over-dependence on oil also has its own attendant effects.

The essence of Oil Windfall, the 5th episode of Season 2 of Professor Johnbull, is to educate the public on the negative effects of over-dependence on oil by any economy. We hope it will help in educating our viewers that there are other potential natural resources other than oil that we can tap into for our existence.

The episode features the villain, Samson (Oguns Baba), who delivered his lines perfectly with his unadulterated "Waffi" accent. The new episode puts viewers in suspense as it dissects the real essence of oil windfall. Is Samson genuinely fraudulent or just over-ambitious? What is Professor Johnbull's response to the agitation of the victims? 

Download and Watch Professor JohnBull Season 2 - Episode 5 (Oil Windfall) Below:- 


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