How To Solve All Problems Arising From Ultimate Cycler & How To Easily Get Paid |


Thursday, December 1, 2016

How To Solve All Problems Arising From Ultimate Cycler & How To Easily Get Paid

Good day everyone, It came to our notice yesterday that so many people were experiencing some difficulties while operating their Ultimate Cycler Account. So we decided to make out time today to enlighten everyone on how they can use their Ultimate Cycler Account. 

First and Foremost, for people experiencing difficulty in choosing their Mobile Carrier while registering an account on Ultimate Cycler, Please, if you are in Nigeria, Kindly Select "MTN AFRICA" as your mobile carrier irrespective of your service providers (MTN, GLO, AIRTEL AND ETISALAT).

Secondly, after creating the account, move to step two where you will see a form to UPDATE YOUR MEMBER PROFILE & SETTINGS. 
Then You will see the form containing Paypal, Skype, Yahoo and AOL username, you can ignore the first four details comprising of Paypal, Skype, Yahoo and AOL usernames, you can ignore any of them if you are not active on them or if you don't have any account with them

Paypal Username:
Skype Username:
Yahoo Username:
AOL Username:

Then Fill in the other options comprising of: 

First Name:
Last Name:
Primary Email:
Street 1:
Street 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
Mobile Phone Number:
Contact Number:

If you are in Nigeria, you can select MTN AFRICA as your Carrier and Use 234 as your Zip/Postal Code.

After filling those details above with your correct details,

Move Down to Payment Instructions, (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF ULTIMATE CYCLER) Because its the Payment Instruction you key in here that will determine where you will be paid to. 

I will advice you to clear all the Default Payment Instructions there and use the format below:

Use The Payment Instructions Sample Below:
Thank you for joining Ultimate Cycler. It looks as if you are to pay me for this transaction.

After making your payment to me, You can:

Mail me via: 

Or Call/Text me at: 08060000000

Bank Account Details:
Bank Name: Your Bank Name

Acct Name: Insert Your Account Name
Acct Number: Insert Your Account Number

Very Important: PLEASE be sure to click the link below this page to inform me that you've sent the payment so I can expedite your activation!

Thank you again for your purchase.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

THE ABOVE Payment Instructions Sample/Format is the best and will guarantee you of getting paid Quickly and Easily. 

ALSO REMEMBER THIS, ON NO REASON WHATSOEVER WILL YOU GIVE OUT YOUR ULTIMATE CYCLER LOGIN DETAILS TO ANYBODY, That is to say, Never give out your Ultimate Cycler's Login Details to anybody, we have been receiving reports that some Ultimate Cycler members ask new members for their login details so as to use it to check or verify something on their account, Please never give anybody your login details (Email and Password Combination used in logging in) because if you eventually do that and give it to the wrong hands, the person might change your Password or payment instructions thereby replacing your account details with his/her own and receive your payment. Please let everyone be wise and active, we will all make money on Ultimate Cycler. 



  1. blank

    PLEASE help my user name and password was changed with someone i know because they gave me her own and gave her my own but the issue was that my own can not open and we have made payment to somebody .

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Please, don't ask questions with anonymous name here because i might not reply such questions. Please, ask questions with your name and make the questions easier for me to understand (Don't Complicate your statement), so that i can answer understand the question you asked and also answer the question you asked.

    2. blank

      I hope the site comes up asap because several guys are on me. Pls, I have tried upgrading to stage 2 but seems not possible. Kindly explain how to go about this...Thanks.

    3. blogger_logo_round_35

      Please, I registered for ultimate cycler with a wrong email address and so I cant acess my mail to get my login details and I have already paid the person i was asked to pay to, but now i cant login to refer anyone to register. I have tried mailing them but it didnt work, please What do I do?

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Will like to join your team, kindly provide the link I will use

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Tess, Please, if you have any other person on ultimate cycler around you, you can ask the person for their referral link so as to use it to register. My team's link is currently jam-packed and over-busy. Use a link from any other person you know around you.

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      Can you refer me to someone because I don't have anyone,but I wish you can put me in your team

    3. blogger_logo_round_35

      My team is filled up for now, unless you have to wait a little bit.

    4. blogger_logo_round_35

      Register with

      Note website is kinda unavailable now...wait till abt 2moro

    5. blogger_logo_round_35

      Join my active team. Here's our WhatsApp group link

    6. f3cbd888-f0a9-4b09-8cdd-093a45c1db16 and thank me late, or call 08037411448! You dont need to bring any one

    7. blank

      Join my very active team here

    8. blogger_logo_round_35

      @ davegate,ultimate cycler is back, can I still join your team

  3. blank

    must you bring somebody in this Ultimate Cycle of a thing

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Nup..... Is nt most, u will just wait 4 7 days n u will b paid..... Especially when u have active team like mine u can b paid with in 4 days ...... Try it

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    pls can i get the Naijalads referral link want to register. Thanks.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Dan, Our referral link is kind of jam-packed now. you can register with the link of any of your friends.

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      Ok u can register with this link

    3. blank

      Site will be available in 6 - 12hrs. Join my very active team @ Just copy and paste on your browser.

  5. blogger_logo_round_35
    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Collins, the site is not currently available because i checked it now, i think the problem is from the server which is currently over populated. And i know that the ultimate cycler's site engineers are currently working on the site. You can try accessing the account later to know if its available.

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    please how doi join your group an be an active member
    and secondly i will like to get an account with ultimatecycler and earn money through this system so hw do i go about it

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi sammillionare, Our referral link is kind of jam-packed now. you can register with the link of any of your friends

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, u can simply register through this link,

      Note try later in the midnight website is currently under maintenance

    3. blogger_logo_round_35

      You can register with My team is very active

    4. blank

      you can as well register with My team is very active

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    Use this

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

  10. blank

    The website has not opened since morning and. Its showing error not dt dey are working on the site. Pls can you tell us what is happeing or d tin don't crash. Moyo

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Moyo, I think thats not a crash, that 503 error entails that lots of people are currently jam-packed on the site, and the site engineers are currently working on their site so as to upgrade the site's bandwidth/space to make the site more accessible for every member of Ultimate Cycler including new members that keep registering on the site minute by minute.

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi dearies,
    please register using this link: you can also call me on 08073090423

  12. blank

    D site has not bin opening since morning. What going on? Gold

  13. blank

    Please what's your site link, I wanna join whether jam-packed or not

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. blank

      I was referring to the admin. Thank you

    3. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Michael, Thanks for having interest in joining our team on Ultimate Cycler, but I'll advice you to hold on a little bit so that i can be able to activate some accounts that has already paid me, so that others can have access to pay them. Once the Ultimate Cycler website opens up/is accessible, we will notify you with our ref link so that if its no longer jam-packed, you can use it to register.

    4. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, after been paid by four people, what is the next thing to do. Do I need to keep bringing in people and does that count for me. Pls update me.

    5. blogger_logo_round_35

      Please how will u notify me wit ur link wen ur ur done activating,want to join ur link

    6. blank

      you can register with

    7. f3cbd888-f0a9-4b09-8cdd-093a45c1db16 you will be glad you joined and active group!

    8. f3cbd888-f0a9-4b09-8cdd-093a45c1db16 you will be glad you joined and active group!

  14. blank

    How do I block someone who has refused to pay for over one week now.
    And also will the system merge me with someone else in replacement for this person

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Anonymous, Next time, please don't comment with Anonymous if you wanna ask an important question, the question you ask with an anonymous name might not be answered/given a reply to.

      If someone was merged to pay you and the person didn't pay you, just log in to your account, and click on Pending Receivables locate the person that refused to pay you, there will be 2 new icons beside the person's name, click on the one that tells you to PURGE THIS USER, Once you purge the person, the person will be removed from your Pending Receivables and another person will be added to to your account to pay you

  15. blogger_logo_round_35

    how to block someone that refuse to pay and someone mistakenly marked received, who have refuse to pay.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Simeon, If someone was merged to pay you and the person didn't pay you, just log in to your account, and click on Pending Receivables locate the person that refused to pay you, there will be 2 new icons beside the person's name, click on the one that tells you to PURGE THIS USER, Once you purge the person, the person will be removed from your Pending Receivables and another person will be added to to your account to pay you

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      i dont think the site is opening anytime soon

    3. blank

      What if I paid the person and he went ahead to still purge me... What would I have to do.

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    What is going on please,my account hasn't be activated since two days now and I have pay to someone, now I can't even login to my account again. What's happening

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Presh, for now, the site is not accessible, just check the site later so as to see if its going through. Then when the site opens, you can now login to your account and check if they've assigned someone to you to pay to.

  17. blogger_logo_round_35

    please i dint put my account details when i was filling d ultimate cycler form.pls how do i rectify that? and again,i have into someones account bt the person havent bn able to confirm me just because of the technical difficulties on the site which has failed to open since morning (i hope it hasnt crashed)and i was given 48hrs to pay before i can be confirmed as a member.hope i wont be blocked despite the fact that have paid and d person has bn unable to confirm me

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi Topsy, First of all, after been confirmed, you can click on My account, then go to Payment Instruction, put in your account details and your contact details.

      Secondly, the site has not crashed, I guess the site engineers/owners are working on their site so as to increase their site's bandwidth so as to accommodate millions of people accessing the site.

      Lastly, they wont block your account since you are yet to pay and their site isn't currently accessible, you wont be blocked. The person that will determine if you are to be blocked is the person you are to pay to, after waiting for you to pay and you don't, the person can now delete you from his account.

  18. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello, how can I contact the support team for issues and also deactivate an account that was not meant to be, I mean mistakenly created. I need an answer please. Thank you.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Check their site , you will see a link titled "Contact Support" , Click on that link and contact their support.

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      I have tried that severely, bt its not responding

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    I was lucky to join under Dave, It's an active link. join and get paid fast

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      This should be martins right? Secondus55 is a downline of mine, you can register under him (First 6 lucky persons can register with his ref link when the site opens).

    2. blank

      Hi Dave, I'm also your downline.

  20. blogger_logo_round_35

    pls admin send a no to me that i should call when their is an issue. 08068031692

  21. blank

    Hi dearies,
    please register using my active link:

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join my moving train and get paid. small work plenty money.

  23. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. blogger_logo_round_35

    After receiving 50k for the 12500 stage, how do we upgrade to the 25k stage??

  26. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi, after been paid by four people, what is the next thing to do. Do I need to keep bringing in people and does that count for me. Pls update me.


  27. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi admin
    Thanks for the clarification.

  28. blank

    what going on since morning i cant login my account, so you guys have scams us or what see prblem .....

    1. blank

      Ultimate cycler is not a scam. Just checked it now, the CEO Peter Wolfing gave an open address on the site update. You can visit the site to see for yourself.

  29. blogger_logo_round_35

    Follow up with my

  30. blank i registered yesterday using that link that beelongs to my neighbour and before evening yesterday 4 people were paid to pay me and they paid almost at once and now i registered again but the site is under construction im sure by evening i will be pairef again yuppie so happy ultimate cycler is bae

  31. blogger_logo_round_35

    hi great people,

    My name is Ugo

    you can kindly join my team using the referral link below, thanks and GOD Bless.

    Please contact me for details or sign up
    08065347755 (works on both whatsapp as well)

  32. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join my team and you'll be glad you did.

  33. blogger_logo_round_35
  34. blogger_logo_round_35

    U can register using this link. We carry all our team members along. If you encounter any difficulties, u can reach me on 08030739024. Cheers!!!

  35. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. blogger_logo_round_35

    i registered through a friend of mine on saturday, and i also paid on saturday..but i have not received any person assigned to long does it take to get someone assigned to pay you, and is it also possible to switch teams or not..because i guess the person i registred under has a slow paced team

  37. blogger_logo_round_35

    I believe the site will be active at mid night that's when USA works normal..follow my link if your are activate like me I only put people under people, you have to manage how your accept payment in your account. My link have set my metrix rule to add people who comes throughy link under each other's automatically..many people doesn't know how to set that

  38. blank

    Ultimate Cycler site is currently under maintenance but i can assure us that it will fixed anytime soon, so there is no need for panic.

    Register with this ref link:

    That's one of my downline's ref link. Mine is already filled up. In my team, we help ourselves.

  39. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join my team today and be assured of fast reception of your money

  40. blank

    Hello, please I still have concerns about the website.
    1. If they are updating their website why can't dey indicate on the page, cos everyone is just guessing nobody is actually sure of what exactly is happening.
    2. The website is still very young au come they are doing the upgrade so soon, I understand the traffic is much, but its still not enough to put this tension on us.
    3. Why is it taking so long for the upgrade, its taking like forever and the tension is high especially when you have convinced a lot of people to join, some have paid and have not been confirmed, so many ready to register but I can't. Its so disturbing. Thanks as I await your quick response n assurance

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      mr moyo it is only normal that when a website start having so much traffic, it becomes over stressed, so it is needed for the bandwidth to be increased to accommodate the massive traffic, thats exactly what is going on and if you check the page now you will see that the upgrade info has been updated there... people when reg jamb online that year una fell me now... when registration took like forever because of the traffic until the site was finally upgraded.

  41. blogger_logo_round_35

    After briging four people and getting paid ur N50k hw do u move up to the next stage without paying the $10 i keep bringing people...please clarify?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Chima that $10 is very necessary because that's another way the company gets money to maintain their can even donate to them because it's not easy for them to show you the way to don't try skipping that $10 it's very necessary they even have products they sale too

  42. blank

    Ijoined on monday 28 November 2016 I was paid on Wednesday morning, My team is very active my down liner have received their money feel free to join my team .here's my referral link

  43. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. blogger_logo_round_35

    Make 50k in one week with just two people with a payment of 12,500.....but if you can't bring two people, Ultimate cycler only pays you if you don't bring someone when your upliner and downliners brings four or more than four people,you'll be paid with their spillovers come under my team of hardworking upliners and downliners to get paid immediately,with a minimum of at least one person. ..08086091208 whatsapp.

  45. blank well I registered under dis link on Tuesday evening nd got all my money 50k without any referral I suggest u try it out before it gets jam-packed some upliners live deir downliners stranded it's not so here am thinking of repeating it that's her number 08140949142 Goodluck

  46. blogger_logo_round_35

    I was doubting this online business platform until I was having time With one of my friends and bank payment notification text came into his phone. I was moved. I inquired and he explained all. I found out the the team he is now is a fast moving team. I finally joined their team and am really testify it.

    If you are interested, you follow this referral link:

    Our members are paid with shortest possible time coupled with lots of spillovers.

    Note: Remember, getting rich, is not for lazybones, use your innate intelligence to build your future when you have the opportunity. This is a great opportunity, use it. Pains of regrets last forever!

    For more info, contact:
    Johncross Blaise Ugwu(Facebook)

    Good luck!

  47. blogger_logo_round_35

    its true you can get 50k with your 12500 but how soon you get that money depends on the activeness and vibrant of your team b4 i joined ultimatecycler a friend told me he got his 50k same day he registered,i thought it was a joke until did same. join a vibrant and active team so you can be paid quickly

  48. blogger_logo_round_35

    What is still going on with the site since the update Don too long ooh

  49. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join my active team and make it even better!! WhatsApp group link

  50. blank

    Good evening. Please, one of the persons in my team has not been able to log in for sometime now. Someone else's name is showing in place of his, except for his email address. I have sent a mail to their support address, but it was not delivered. And he has already made payment. can you help me out?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Maybe you exercise a little patience so that you will know whether it will be rectified after the server has been updated.

  51. blogger_logo_round_35

    When i tried accessing ultimate cycler website this was what i got

    Be right back.
    We are currently updating the site to give you a more pleasurable experience and will be back online shortly.
    Our update estimation is to be complete over the next 6 - 12 hours.
    Thank you,
    Peter Wolfing

  52. blogger_logo_round_35

    It's alright, no need to panic, 6-12hours the site should be up and running.. Ultimatecycler has come to stay, it'll grow and become better.. Join any of the above links.. Or feel free to join mine..
    Doesn't matter which one u join. Just be ready to contribute in making your team earn faster

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Mehn I wish many were like u, some already started panicking calling it names like scam and it has crashed. It was hell for me Buh with wht I'm seeing here, I'm being encouraged.

  53. blogger_logo_round_35

    This updating is taking too much time since morning updating nor dey finish self.........

  54. blogger_logo_round_35

    I was ask to pay someone which I did then called the guy to mark me since he got the alart but for two days now he has refuse marking me and he say he can't pay back the money. I have lodge complaints with evidence of the receipt but yet to be attended to. Please what else should i do because this is my 1st time. Thanks

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      That's why everyone needs to learn how to login into their accounts and mark paid to people who pay them..maybe he doesn't know how to should have aske shim if he knows how to mark paid before you paid him and let him explain small..once he says it's from pending recievable or earning statistics send the money..then another reason could be their server prob..don't worry your money is not lost..once the site comes back call him again and this time tell him if he doesn't know how to log in and do that he should send his password so you can help him

  55. blogger_logo_round_35

    please, I registered with a link I saw on Facebook, but since I have registered I haven't been match with anybody to pay and its almost 6 days now what should I do? and more importantly will I ever get paid?

    1. f3cbd888-f0a9-4b09-8cdd-093a45c1db16

      Here register here and get paid in a day, you will be glad you did

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      Maybe the team isn't fast, problem from the ultimate cycler. U can register with me, our team pays fast with lots of spillovers.

      08033684246, for more info.

  56. blogger_logo_round_35

    I registered yesterday and I have gotten 2 people that wants to register under me pls i want to know if i can get paid with just 2 referrals and how long will it take Thanks

  57. blogger_logo_round_35

    Just registered yesterday pls want to know if i can get paid with just 2 people registering under me and how long will it take Thanks

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Register two members under you. Then register other two members under those members that registered under you. I ensure you a fast payment process.

  58. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello, I created a WhatsApp group page for Ultimatecycler, just in case u want in contact me on 08167712361 and also on follow up on fb...let stay stronger and eradicate misconceptions...thank u all.

  59. 311293_10151256667664162_432164958_n

    everybody should login now maintenance has been done. if you are new login through this link

  60. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey there.... Join this group and be forever greatful

  61. blogger_logo_round_35

    for how many hrs now they are still telling us that we should wait for 6 to 12 hrs

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Go to bed, its nt up to the 12th tomorrow it will be okk

  62. blogger_logo_round_35

    I crying blood, after making payment to my referral... I forgot my account details... I have clicked on the forgot pword linked to my login details, uptill today, I haven't gotten a postive response from them... I need help plz, my no. Is 09026698816

  63. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join our active group http://ultimate,I joined this team and got my four refferals and payment in two day,ultimate cycler is the real deal!!,ultimatecyler will never die.

  64. blank

    Register under me have been cycled twice, this is to tell you my chain/ link moves twice. You don't need to get anybody but relax and my fast moving link will send you spill overs to you. We register and you get paid in two days....all your 50K....ULTIMATE CYCLER, SIMPLY THE BEST AND FASTEST MONEY MAKING MACHINE IN NIGERIA!!!

    1. blank

      Please how do I get ur contact? Or u can whatsapp me. I will like to join your team. Thanks 08035574442

  65. blogger_logo_round_35

    welcome to ultimatecycler were u register with just #12,500 and u get paid #50,000.... yes#50,000 within 7days... y dump the money in an account when u can get 200% within a week.... wanna register click on the link...... http:// whatsapp or call 07063043013 for more enquiries.

  66. blogger_logo_round_35

    The site will be back on line with much better server as from 5am this morning so don't panic guys..USA is good at what dey do

  67. blogger_logo_round_35

    I thought it was scam until I Joined a fast growing cycle too.use My number is 07037527414. Call or watsapp

  68. blogger_logo_round_35

    Join our fast growing cycle! WhatsApp group link

  69. image

    Hi lovelies, you can join this group

  70. blogger_logo_round_35

    @Testimony Nancy
    since you said your team is jam-packed and i registered under you

    if you can no longer use your link i will like you to use mine

  71. blank

    Hi, please the site is dtil not coming on. Hope it is not a crash?
    Is there any level that you pay 25k and getv400k within 3 weeks?

  72. blank

    If you are to be in an active team and get paid faster then here is the link to join or contact us through 07085107713.

  73. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please when will the finish upgrading the system, because i have thousands of people to register.

  74. blogger_logo_round_35

    The website received over 3000 new users within a limited amount time of 12 hours. That's a lot., their engineers are working hard from my source and they will get it back online online online as soon as possible. I was lucky to join undersunny , It's an active link. join and get paid fast

  75. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please i need advice on what to do, i was registering My down-line day before yesterday and after completing the registreation my downline was merged with a blank screen with no name and no personal details of anyone.

  76. blogger_logo_round_35

    Is it possible to activate my account by myself, I have paid someone yet the person can't activate my account and also how true is it that I will get paid even without registering someone under me...

  77. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please I created my account two days ago and could not remember my password, I ve paid my 12500 and I ve been confirmed but still can't login to my account. I clicked on forgotten password n fill in my user name and email but I have not received my password up till now

  78. blogger_logo_round_35

    That has been rectified yesterday. Wait for d site to come bk n u see all d details u need

  79. blogger_logo_round_35

    What is happening system since yesterday, it hasn't come back I'm tired of waiting

  80. blogger_logo_round_35

    no need to talk much...join this team and you'll be glad

  81. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please I created my account two days ago and could not remember my password, I ve paid my 12500 and I ve been confirmed but still can't login to my account. I clicked on forgotten password n fill in my user name and email but I have not received my password up till now

    1. blank

      chelsea untill the site ia back clik on forgot password and check your email inbox/spam..

  82. blogger_logo_round_35

    Be right back.
    We are currently updating the site to give you a more pleasurable experience and will be back online shortly.
    Our update estimation is to be complete over the next 6 - 12 hours.
    Thank you,
    Peter Wolf 6-12hours never pass

  83. blogger_logo_round_35

    Since yesterday 6-12 hours.. e no de finish? People are losing patience oo

  84. blank

    Join my team now and get your N50,000 within a day without referrals

  85. blogger_logo_round_35

    my team is generating much leads right away if you want you can jion... the site will soon open... http://
    follow on instagram @iamjames_007

  86. blogger_logo_round_35

    Good morning...any idea on when the site is coming up cos people are really on my neck I registered on Monday but have just 2 people to pay me....thanks Iyke Funanya

  87. blogger_logo_round_35

    you can sign up with this link....our team is very active

  88. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please any ideas on the latest?

  89. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ultimate Cycler website has crashed, Members cannot login
    Ultimate Cycler website has crashed, Members cannot login
    December 2, 2016 Ezekiel Enejeta

    The rave of the moment currently in Nigeria is called Ultimate Cycler. After the extensive success of MMM Nigeria which promised to pay members 30% return of investment monthly, Ultimate Cycler has become the love child among Nigerians, promising to pay 300% return on investment withing 45 days.

    Due to to heavy promised payout, the this particular ponzi scheme has gathefed momentum escpecially in the past two eeks.

    The hook for Ultimate Cycler is this; sign up by and paying N12,500 to a fellow member you registered under. When your donation has been confirmed, the Ultimate Cycler admin puts four people under you who will pay N12,500 you resulting in N50,000. In summary, pay N12,500 and get N50,000.

    When you have four people under you, Ultimate Cycler bumps you up to the second level. In this stage, you will pay N25,000 from your N50,000 largess to a grade 2 member. After this, the system will put 16 people under you who will pay you N25,000. At this stage, your grand total will be N400,000.


    Has many Nigerians troop to this new scheme, some even abandoning their first love MMM Nigeria, there seem to be a problem.

    The website which is hosted at has been down. Members cannot login.

    A visit at the website shows the following message:

    “Be right back.

    We are currently updating the site to give you a more pleasurable experience and will be back online shortly.

    Our update estimation is to be complete over the next 6 – 12 hours.

    Thank you,

    Peter Wolfing”


    The says it is down for maintenance and will be back in 6 to 12 hours but it has been over 12 hours and that same message has been on!

    Will Ultimate Cycler come back online?

    The answer is yes! from a technical point of view, th teach team at Nigeria Today says it will be back. Due to influx of people in large numbers over the past few days, the server must have overloaded causing the owners to shut itt down until they can move to a bigger website that will accommodate the large crowd

  90. blogger_logo_round_35

    Please I need confirmation on whether I will get paid after two weeks even if I don't have any referrals

    1. blank

      Yea sure... Call me 4 more information on how to register 08138942843

    2. blank

      4 pure assurance... U shud refer those people to me if really they want To get paid within one week without getting team is very active so d spillovers can equally reach those newly registered people faster dan they think
      My link is

  91. blogger_logo_round_35

    In ultimate cycler every group is linked to a bigger group so whereever you joined from be active and try to upgrade to next level. Thats how a group could be active and new members benefit..Welcome...08030738417

  92. blank

    why waiting for 5 days when there is where you get your money the next say after 08133689955...he is one of my downliner....mine is currently jampacked which means there will be a lot of spill over.......dont miss this

  93. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello, I see some confident participant and also see some that needs clarification. Whichever u r, I'll like u to join us in WhatsApp 08167712361. According to Peter, it will be opened by 15mins frm nw. Join for more info. Thank u

  94. blank

    The site is back up. You can go log into your accounts now

  95. blogger_logo_round_35

    The site is not better yet till wobbling!!!

  96. blogger_logo_round_35

    i opened my account,with wrong email,and i wanted to log in to my account and is showing that the username is incorrect,so when i ask for help the sent it back to that same email that is not active,and i want to correct the email,and put in the one that is active and also,correct my username so i want to k ow how i can do that,my name is ukamele noble ,and my phone number is 07066838536,i will be glad if you give me good anawer,all you can text me with the above phone number

  97. blank
  98. blank

    The site is really too long to upgrade/update.I want to register under my brother but i've gotten 8persons who want to join too under me. I've been trying to convince them to hold on and not back out but the site is just making reasoning less convincing for them. Please how much long futher shall we wait?

  99. blogger_logo_round_35

    The site is back but there are still issues with logging in. Something about problems with CloudFlare and the origin web server. Join our WhatsApp group while we wait patiently.

  100. blogger_logo_round_35

    I give u info frm Peter himself frm d person asking for source...for those in our WhatsApp grp chat can attest to that...join us let's change the world

    Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

  101. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hey guyz,
    Kindly join my team, its your best bet to making money quick, Trust me.

    You can reach me on 08093633963

  102. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello, if you're interested in registering, you can go through this link

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. blank

    Hi, wanna register, click here
    No regrets.

  104. blogger_logo_round_35

    Chat me up on WhatsApp, I will show u the chart which depicts Peter wolfing's theory. If u follow it, ur payment is ensured In shortest possible time

    08033684246 (WhatsApp)
    Good luck!

  105. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ Ukamele noble Haaba! How could you open ultimate cycler account with a wrong e-mail address, hope you've not paid money to any one cos if you have then you have your self to blame but if you've not you can as well open another account all your info should be correct cos you know you are dealing with money here except you have a tree behind your house where you get cash from

  106. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello guyz..... Dnt panic, wen FEAR knock ur door send FAITH to answer, ultimate cycler website is half way back, I was able to login my account but showing few details...
    If u have any question or seeking for help WhatsApp or call 08166532948.... Or you can also be added to the cycler WhatsApp group

    Am already in stage 2, if u are new and want to join, you can register through my down line and be paid within 4 days.....

    Together we can Make ourselfs Rich and financial secured...... God bless out Hustle.

  107. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sir the website is on again and i have paid into the account of Abawuru but it is still telling me to activate my account pls Sir i need help oo because i have paid the 12,500 already

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Did u contact the person before making the payment?

  108. blank

    Pls I haven't been able to login nor register new long will I wait because I have many people to register... While we are waiting, call or whatsapp 07066904646 for your registration

  109. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nawa for this kind site oooooo haaaba!

  110. blank

    This is the referral link. Got my 50k under 2-3days. Join d effective team. Call or whatsapp 07066904646 for your ultimate cycler registration

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

  111. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. blogger_logo_round_35

    I wonder why you guys are asking people to join the scheme when the so-called website keeps wobbling all day, perhaps you can't even tell if we that are in it already are stocked with our cash in it. The organizers don't they use their common sense? don't they know what they were about to do before they started advertising the program? Don't they also know that the compensation plan will result to lots of people accessing their sites within the list of countries involve in the scheme at the same time? to me they are not organized at all this is two (2) days now you can't properly access their site and by this has made people commit their cash into it for me i have put an embargo on that website till its fully operational cos i wonder why you can't login into your account

  113. blogger_logo_round_35

    A friend of mine mistakely registered twice please can he block one of d account

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      If you will be able to get new member, then tell him/her to pay to the person that was matched with your friend. After the payment verification by the payee, then log in and change everything by clicking on *MY PROFILE*.
      After deleting and inputing the details, scroll down and click *UPDATE PROFILE*.
      Good luck!

  114. blogger_logo_round_35

    The owners of the ultimate cycler should have a channel they can communicate with us on the progress been made. People are getting sick of this update of a thing

  115. blogger_logo_round_35

    Chat me up on WhatsApp, I will show u the chart which depicts Peter wolfing's theory. If u follow it, ur payment is ensured In shortest possible time

    08033684246 (WhatsApp)
    Good luck!

  116. blogger_logo_round_35

    The Ultimate Cycler Global Commitment

    At Ultimate Cycler we are introducing our global commitment over the next few days to provide each country we serve even greater value.
    As you know we are now having more than 100,000 to 200,000 thousand new members daily and have a large percentage of the new subscribers from Nigeria.
    Therefore we are doing the following ASAP over the next few days to ensure our global commitment will impact each and every Ultimate Cycler subscriber no matter where you live in the world.

    1. We are adding an additional income source 
    2. Providing a new design and layout
    3. During Q1 registering Ultimate Cycler in Nigeria with an Office and legal presence. 
    4. Will offer life time admin fee to avoid different charges throughout the year.
    5. An amazing Christmas income opportunity the everyone can participate in.

    Please be sure to check your inbox for more details as we get closer and my next update. 

    Thank You!
    Peter Wolfing

  117. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ultimate cycler has given me a reason to smile. While we wait for oga Wolfing to re-open our beloved ultimate cycler, lets make some money on crowdrising. Startup investment is just N7,400 to get N37,000 in a week and a whopping N370,000 in 2 months, give or take...

    Click the link below to register:

    Once ultimate cycler comes back up, you can use the link below to register. The ref link belongs to one of my downlines. Mine is already congested because my team is working hard for one another. We help each other to make money:

  118. blogger_logo_round_35

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nawa oooooo Nigerians na una make this site shutdown since haaba! Recession don cause wahala ooooo for naija

    At Ultimate Cycler we are introducing our global commitment over the next few days to provide each country we serve even greater value.
    As you know we are now having more than 100,000 to 200,000 thousand new members daily and have a large percentage of the new subscribers from Nigeria.
    Therefore we are doing the following ASAP over the next few days to ensure our global commitment will impact each and every Ultimate Cycler subscriber no matter where you live in the world.

    1. We are adding an additional income source
    2. Providing a new design and layout
    3. During Q1 registering Ultimate Cycler in Nigeria with an Office and legal presence.
    4. Will offer life time admin fee to avoid different charges throughout the year.
    5. An amazing Christmas income opportunity the everyone can participate in.

    Please be sure to check your inbox for more details as we get closer and my next update.

    Thank you,
    Peter Wolfing

  120. blank

    You guys as finally got what you want, scams almost 70% 0f nigeria rubbish fuck USA that why i love MMM RUSSIA guys are the best

  121. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello good morning,registered with a friend referral link since then i invited people but the people i invited have not received any payment what do i do....because i gave them hope of the system linking them up from i dnt know what to do......waited for weeks now nothing nothing pls help... some1 should pls explain

  122. blank

    MMM Nigeria is d best, want to join whatsapp me on 09093667917 for guiderian

  123. blogger_logo_round_35

    While waiting for ultimatecycler. There's another site making the waves at the moment.. 1k to start.
    Click here:

  124. blogger_logo_round_35

    E COOPERATIVE is just like PAID ROCKET but the only difference is that its for NIGERIAN users only, it only deals with levels and all you need is just ₦1000 and once you click the link below you will be taken to the registration page and once you register you will be taken to the page of your sponsor whom you will pay the ₦1000 but make sure you call the sponsor before and after paying so that your sponsor can confirm your payment and you will be moved to level 1.

    In level 1 you will be only be required to edit your profile by adding your bank details and phone number to your profile and by referring just 4 people with your referral link and those 4 people you refer, will pay you ₦1000 naira each.

    After you have confirmed 4 payment you will be required to pay ₦2500 to a random user who will be linked to you. Once the user confirms your payment, you will be upgraded to level 2 and at level 2, 16 users will be linked/matched to you. Those 16 users will pay you ₦2500 each and so on.

    If you are interested click the link below.


    The good thing about this is that there is bitcoin wahala or international user wahala.

    If you have questions ask in the comments section.

    Note: If you are not ready to upgrade i.e pay the 1k, please dont register because this is for serious people who are ready to earn and not waste time.

  125. blogger_logo_round_35

    Pls will ultimate cycler side be back inform again?

  126. blogger_logo_round_35

    UC is back. Shame to critics. Call 07037527414 if u have questions or interested in registering. Tanx

  127. blogger_logo_round_35

    The site is back. Add me on WhatsApp for inquiries and to register. 09052835225

  128. blogger_logo_round_35

    The site is back. Add me on WhatsApp for inquiries and to register. 09052835225

  129. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello guys. There's someone in my pending receivables that's meant to pay me but the guy refused to pay cos he has paid someone else already which makes me feel it's an error. So now how do I remove him so they can match me with another person to pay me? Pls help...... Petra

  130. blank

    Pls how do i register? Looks like only people who registered before can login.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Follow my link then you can register

  131. blank

    Good day all my name is ROWLAND IJONUBONG but when i try to login is telling me incorrect pin so i need a solution to this so that i can have access to my account please

  132. blogger_logo_round_35

    I once heard someone say... "Better late than never" That person who said that is not doing anything special now, by the way. Do big things in life. Don't wait for stuff to come, go after it 110%. Earn money from just referring 2 people. Simply sign up here right now>
    Don't miss this opportunity! Ultimate cycler is real! no time

  133. blank

    How can you replace people that refused to pay you..for over a week people on my pay line has been d same pple..i need to step up..tnks

  134. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ultimate cycler site is back for real dis time is to stay Follow my link

  135. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hy admin pls i hv dis problem in utimate cycler,while registering some onee,i made mistake in his email address,and i have forgotten d password i used for the acct,now d person cnt login to his acct,pls how can i retify dis,pls help me out

  136. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello Good morning all,I want to tell you people something about this ultimate cycle, cos a lot of people are having problems with it,saying that they are not been matched with one to pay them money,but to be frankly speaking, I think the easiest way to make your money more and more is to join a well active team,I saying this with experience, immediately I joined one lady here in Ikeja Lagos,they are about 65people in her down line to be honestly speaking I made up to #150,000,in just two weeks and,so I advice a lot of people to find a good team and join u will not regret it,or u can still join her link in other to be sure of getting ur money back and more unlimited profit with or if u cant join her own then look for a good tea to very helpful. or u can call on phone with 08039366209.while doing your registration.

  137. blank


